SENSiT - Smart Wi-Fi tank level monitoring kit

FTS are pleased to introduce the NEW and exclusive product from the Watchman sensor range - SENSiT.

Kingspan's SENSiT is a smart Wi-Fi enabled tank level monitor that enables you to monitor your liquid levels through a smartphone app. This provides a reliable communication to the connect senor remote data hosting and monitoring platform that measures the tanks fuel levels at your fingertips! It can indicate whether your tank is running low, sudden drops alerts, predicts when you will run out of fuel and how much you are consuming. 

SENSiT can be linked up to Amazon's Alexa, where you can ask your device questions regarding the level of fuel i.e. 'Alexa, how much oil do i have in my tank?' so no need to physically check your tank or run out of fuel again.

For More SENSiT information or to purchase the SENSiT, please click here - SENSiT smart Wi-Fi tank level monitor

28th June 2021
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